La misma consistía en hacer sonar una grabación de audio de su voz. En ese momento se oyó la voz del fallecido: “¿Hola? ¡Hola! ¡Dejadme salir de aquí, esto está jodidamente oscuro!”, se le oye decir.Shay Bradley of Kilnamanagh in the south of Dublin, Ireland, passed October 8, but that didn't mean he was ready to give up his life's passion of pranking his family. When his coffin was lowered and the bag pipes began playing, something unusual happened – an audio recording of…
— Time Capsule Tales (@timecaptales) November 27, 2023
An Irishman had the last laugh at his funeral with a gag from beyond the grave that had mourners in tears of laughter. Shay Bradley organized the recording that was done in one take, over a year before the funeral to be played after his coffin was lowered to the ground
— Historic Vids (@historyinmemes) November 27, 2023